Stitch People Backgrounds

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It’s time to take your Stitch People portraits to the next level! With “Stitch People Backgrounds,” you can mix-and-match elements from various sections of the book, representing different environments, to enhance your portraits. Whether you choose to include a simple potted plant, a beautiful floral arbor, or an elaborate background of one of the USA’s National Parks, “Stitch People Backgrounds” has countless options for you to create scenes, backgrounds, and visual atmospheres to capture your favorite memories and moments in your Stitch People portraits.

See What’s Inside

Table of Contents

  • Camping & The Woods
  • USA National Parks
  • Open Sky
  • Gardens & Outdoor Parties
  • Road Tripping
  • Snowy Scenes
  • Beachy & Tropical

Details about the book

Physical Book: 54 pages, 8.5″W x 11″H, spiral bound (so it lays flat!), matte-finish cover
Digital E-Book: PDF version (completely identical to the physical version). Use on any device that reads PDF.
Author: Lizzy Dabczynski-Bean
ISBN: 978-0-9988236-4-5

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